
"Man, Sub-creator, the refracted light
through whom is splintered from a single White
to many hues, and endlessly combined
in living shapes that move from mind to mind."
~Mythopoeia, J.R.R. Tolkien

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Shadow Voice

Hello everyone, welcome to my little spot on the web!

I'm G.P. Charles, author of fantasy fiction.  While I am currently unpublished in this genre, others know me under a different pen name.  I'll be keeping the two identities separate until such a time that either someone links them for me (hee) or it becomes a good career strategy.  For now, I choose to reinvent myself to a degree.

Why you might ask?  Well my readership bases are drastically different.  Marketing tactics are different, and there's a general misconception that my first genre doesn't lend to successful fantasy.  Rather than jump all the hurdles, it's actually easier to start at ground zero as a virtual unknown. 

Additionally, there's a concept called "branding" that ties into that.  Branding is great for grounding a career, but it isn't necessarily wonderful for the author who wants to stretch his wings.  There's resistance that's encountered if one wants to go beyond and branch into something new.  After having suffered some of this negative prejudice, I decided to claim anonyminity and pursue the larger dreams.  The other half of my personality, if you will.  So here I am -- the Shadow Voice. 

Fantasy has long been a passion of mine.  From days spent not only playing RPGs, but designing them, to devouring every book about dragons, elves, magic, fantastical places, breathtaking hero journeys... It's been part of my life. 

My work, however, isn't typical of my background.  I should qualify that -- my initial work isn't typical of my background; it may well be incorporated as I go along.  We'll see how that goes.  For now, you won't find dragons in my novels.  While there's magic, and a mystical world, there are no sorcerors, or magic wands.  You won't have Dwarves hating Elves, and Elves hating Humans... nor Orcs and goblins lurking in the woods.

What you will find is an epic journey.  A life struggle seen through unique eyes, that is compellingly vivid and heartrending.

Meanwhile, I'm going to share my own journey of crossing those publishing barriers and establishing myself in the genre that is, quite possibly, my first love.

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